Stöbich Azubi

Trainee seminar "Respectful interaction"

Trainee seminar "Respectful interaction"

Our trainees enrich our company with fresh ideas and are regularly encouraged at STÖBICH; like recently at this year's trainee seminar on the topic of "Respectful interaction".

Good humor and valuable insights characterized the coaching day in the STÖBICH showroom in Goslar. Here, eleven of our trainees and annual interns learned a lot about respectful interaction together with Sebastian Saul. The lecturer from UP Consulting is a professional in the field of career orientation and sees himself as a "bridge builder between school and profession(ung)", with a good connection to Generation Z. His relaxed, open manner was very well received by the STÖBICH youngsters. With the card game "Teamplay", the young people got to know themselves better in the various roles they play in life. Among other things, it was about body language, appreciative communication and helpful strategies for their own personality development. For example, they worked out how to deal with conflicts and overcome challenges. And that's something you can use everywhere, not just in your professional life.
Everyone involved was very enthusiastic - also because it was not just about training or the job, but about the big picture: learning for life.
An apprenticeship at STÖBICH is in any case a solid basis for the further path of life. More info on our versatile apprenticeships is available ➥ here.