Girls’ und Boys’ Day 2023

Girls’ und Boys’ Day 2023

Come on in to the STÖBICH training workshop! 11 children looked over our shoulder at this year's Girls' and Boys' Day - e.g. in production.

The nationwide day of action is intended to support girls and boys in their stereotype-free career orientation. On April 27, 11 kids got their first glimpse of what it's like to work for an international fire protection company. During the production tour and various hands-on activities, such as assembling a tentacle robot and key fobs, initial contacts were made with the team of instructors. The day ended with a joint lunch that unites generations: Pommes Schranke.

Good to know: At the central STÖBICH location in Goslar, we train prospective mechatronics engineers, construction mechanics, technical product designers and industrial clerks (m/f/d). Interested in ➥ training at STÖBICH? Please send applications to: ➥