STÖBICH Brandschutz: News

The virtual ArchitekTOUR 2021 - an interim report

Perspectives for the building of tomorrow. This is the motto of the 3rd edition of Heinze's virtual ArchitekTOUR, which has been running since April…

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STÖBICH on 3rd virtual Heinze ArchitekTOUR 2021

The Heinze ArchitekTOUR is in itself an extraordinary series of events. With a lot of creativity, openness and inventiveness, the event team developed…

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Digital BHE Fire Protection Congress

For numerous visitors, it is a fixed date in the calendar - the BHE Fire Protection Congress. The popular event format is now taking place for the 8th…

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FeuerTrutz will not take place until October 18 and 19, 2021. LogiMAT and Interschutz will be postponed to new dates in 2022.

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In deep mourning, the family, management and employees of the STÖBICH Group bid farewell to company founder and shareholder Dr.-Ing. Jochen Stöbich,…

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Company founder Dr. Jochen Stöbich deceased

Company founder and fire protection pioneer Dr. Jochen Stöbich passed away in the night from February 23 to 24.

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STÖBICH receives the Aktion Mensch seal of approval

We sincerely say thank you!

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STÖBICH assembly vehicles in a new look!

Since the beginning of the year, our first assembly teams have been on the road with new vehicles.

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BAU ONLINE 2021 takes off digitally

The BAU ONLINE 2021 trade fair will be implemented for the first time as a purely digital format from 13 to 15 January 2021.

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STÖBICH Family Businesses

In its expanded and updated third edition, the "Lexikon der deutschen Familienunternehmen" (Encyclopaedia of German Family Businesses) presents over…

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