STÖBICH Brandschutz: News

Greetings from MODEX in Atlanta, USA

On the 3rd day of the MODEX trade fair, we will be in touch with fresh impressions and product news from the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta,…

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New theme world Floor partitioning

How does preventive structural fire protection work if not just one section but several floors have to be sealed off? A case for the flexible fire…

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Lessons learned: STÖBICH remains flexible with the working model

There is currently a lot of discussion nationwide about easing. But no matter how the decision is made regarding the home office obligation: As a…

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9th Freiburg Fire Protection Day

Fire protection in nursing homes and senior living facilities is the topic of the 9th Freiburg Fire Protection Day. We at STÖBICH are also at…

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LogiMAT starts at the end of May

Intralogistics specialists from all over the world meet at the LogiMAT in Stuttgart, and STÖBICH has long been part of it with fire protection…

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STÖBICH supports Rock am Beckenrand e. V.

Cultural workers and young people have suffered particularly from the restrictions of the pandemic. As part of the corona-related fundraising campaign…

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A minute's silence for our company founder

Today, February 24, 2022, marks the first anniversary of the death of Dr.-Ing. Jochen Stöbich.

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DigitalBAU trade fair postponed to May

Postponed, not cancelled: digitalBAU will now take place from May 31 to June 2, 2022. As planned in Cologne and of course with STÖBICH as an…

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Looking forward to the FeuerTrutz 2022 in June

In summer we will be back at the FeuerTrutz. The international trade fair and congress for preventive fire protection will take place from June 29th…

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STÖBICH trainee is doing an internship abroad in Spain

As a trainee in an international company like STÖBICH, you can get around a lot. Just like Mats-Henri Ackermann, who completed a three-week internship…

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